Sexual Connection
Couple workshops in small groups
Lost that sexual feeling?
You’re not alone. Many couples struggle with loss of sexual desire for their partner and especially in long term relationships.
At the beginning you may feel so ‘hot’ for each other that you can’t stop touching, hugging, and kissing wherever you are and long to have sex anytime and whenever you can.
As time passes and life gets in the way it may be hard to make time for each other. You may lose the spark and either have sex quickly the same old way or find you lack the energy and enthusiasm to have sex at all! You may begin to feel rejected, unattractive, and stop trying to initiate sex. Distance increases between you. Sexual difficulties may begin to develop.
Lack of sexual connection and lack of intimacy can result in similar feelings which impact your relationship in so many ways.
What’s important may be different for each person. You may say “I want to have sex to feel closer to you”. Your partner may say “I want to feel closer to you before we have sex”.
Perhaps you use sex as a ‘sticking plaster’ for your relationship difficulties but realise that this is not enough to hold you together. Loving intimate sex can provide more of a long-lasting couple glue.
The impact of lack of sex can be huge ….causing arguments, silences, irritability and general friction in your relationship. It can be hard to discuss for fear the whole relationship will crumble and if you have children this may be additionally difficult.
Media pressure encourages us to believe we should all be having enjoyable, mind-blowing fulfilling sex on a regular basis. You may use sex as a barometer to measure how compatible you really are.

Many things can impact your sexual relationship.
- Loss or grief
- Birth difficulties
- Fertility issues
- Mental health problems
- Illness
- Family difficulties
- Struggles with children
- Financial issues
- Body image
- Aging
- Low self esteem
- Past sexual experiences name but a few
If as a couple you’ve struggled with some of these issues and feel they are coming between you our Intimate Connection programme may be a great place to start followed by our Sexual Connection series of workshops.
However, if you can answer yes to any of the following questions it’s time to focus more on your sexual relationship.
Do you struggle with low sexual desire?
Do you feel your sexual desires are mismatched?
Are you bored or unfulfilled in your sexual relationship with your partner?
Do you find it difficult to talk about sex?
Have you stopped initiating sex for fear of rejection?
Do you feel guilty about not having sex with your partner?
Do you sometimes feel obligated to have sex?
Do you have pain during sex?
Do you have erection difficulties?
Do you struggle to orgasm?
Do you long for a more intimate sexual relationship?
Do you feel disconnected and fantasise about something different?
Do you find yourself masturbating alone and feeling isolated?
Do you need to watch porn to feel fully aroused?
Do you avoid physical touch in case it leads to sex?
Has sex become a ‘no man’s land’ that you both avoid?
Have you stopped making an effort for each other?
Do you feel uncomfortable when watching sexual scenes together?
Do you feel your partner sees you as a ‘sex pest’?
Do you flirt continually with others to fill the void?
Do these questions ring any bells or has reading them touched raw spots? If so then perhaps it’s time to address this before it’s too late and you become more disconnected!
Most of these difficulties can be resolved or eradicated altogether by taking time out to attend our Sexual Connection programme or by booking couple sex and relationship therapy sessions.

The programme will help you to: -
- Learn to develop a more intimate sexual connection
- Find new ways to experience sensual arousal to spice up your sex life
- Communicate about sex more freely
- Deepen sexual desire and pleasure
- Rediscover sexual attraction for your partner
- Create time for sensual and sexual encounters together
- Pivot your relationship in a more positive rewarding direction
If you’ve read this far, you’ll be getting the sense that a fulfilling sexual relationship can deepen intimate connection.
Emily Maguire describes this well when she says: -
“It was never just sex. Even the fastest, dirtiest, most impersonal screw was about more than sex. It was about connection. It was about looking at another human being and seeing your own loneliness and neediness reflected back. It was recognising that together you had the power to temporarily banish that sense of isolation. It was about experiencing what it was to be human at the basest, most instinctive level. How could that be described as just anything?” ― Emily Maguire, Taming the Beast

The Programme and how it works
You will be guided by a sexual and relationship therapist and facilitator. There will be time to share your experiences helping you to feel less isolated.
However broken you may feel your relationship is this is a chance to reconnect more intimately and sexually.
Join a small group of other couples looking to improve their sex life.
The Programme
- An introductory 60-minute couple sex and relationship session.
- 6 sessions of interactive 2-hour couple workshops
- A progressive programme of intimate and sexual encounters at home
- Couple and group exercises and discussion about sexual connection
Workshops do not involve any group sexual activities. Couples will be asked to participate in sensory and sexual focused practices privately between the six workshops sessions.
Investment outlat
- £600.00 per couple for the full programme
- £70.00 for an introductory 60-minute couple therapy session, which will help you decide if this is for you both (Deducted when full Intimate Connection course is booked)
***This is a small group format so places are limited***